Friday, June 17, 2011

Prayer is powerful . . . God is great!

Prayer is perhaps the most powerful tool we have. How simple it is to just stop and talk to our Heavenly Father. That's all it takes.

Prayer is one-on-one, quiet time with God. It is heart-felt emotional discussion with the Lord. It is a loud conversation among friends, colleagues, church members, neighbors. It is a prayer chain phone call, email or message on Facebook or Twitter.
My prayers always include a simple "thank you, Lord, for this day. I ask for your Holy Spirit to be part of me today so I may be a better instrument for your work." I lift up family, friends, and other people to Him for help, healing, guidance.

The beauty is when I talk to God, He listens. It doesn't matter the subject matter. The time of day or night. He listens. And He gives me peace. He brings me inspiration. He helps. Just the act of "praying" helps me.

So . . . imagine if you will . . . the power of prayer if we gather many people (hundreds??) together in one room at one time to pray for one thing? The youth of our community. Prayer is powerful.

Won't you join us on September 25 to pray for our youth? Email us for more information. The prayer rally is open to the public.